i am sooo confused.......yesterday, i survived a day of going in...doing my work...completing all that i could on the tasks i was given for the week....( 3 of 5 for the week done before 11 am...)....& waited to hear ANYTHING from anyone on the team...it seems as tho they are starting the big shutout....if u've worked in the cold inpersonal chickenshit environment that is the IT corporate world ......this is that which occurs when one is being phased out.... no answers from emails in addition requests to not attend weekly status meetings....todays manadatory team meeting was also just cancelled.....so ...who knows wtf is happening ...i guess i sit here and wait until i either get walked out ....or called on the phone by my recruiter.....in the meantime"?...i'll finish my breakfast burrito since i paid for it already & lord knows i may need to start watchin the pennies again.....BAH!~